Colors reflect world market price movements in the week prior to publishing. Grey is 'no change' and in case of a white block, there is no information about price movements.
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Falling dairy commodity prices in the US, ongoing tightness everywhere else
After doing our usual round of telephone calls in the Interfood network in preparation for this month’s issue of the Market Watch, it was quite remarkable to experience the sharp contrast between the tone of comments on the US dairy market and the comments about all other key dairy markets in the world. Our summary table of recent price momentum across the world says it all. There is a decent chance that the current disconnect between the markets may continue and could even grow based on the state of play between the US and its key trading partners. This makes today’s dairy market very unpredictable and nervous, especially from a buyer’s point of view. Even a fully open US dairy economy would probably not be able to entirely solve the shortages in today’s global dairy market, but it remains somewhat ironic that things have almost never looked better for the US to build towards a stronger global export role in dairy.
Click here for 'World market prices'
Exchange rates used in this document:
Jan EUR 1 = USD 1.030; Feb EUR 1 = USD 1.036; Mar EUR 1 = USD 1.080